Stock exchange new service
- SOL,SOLBE1-Completion of the Divestment of 50% interest in LCCP Base Chemicals Business, Covenant Amendment and Investor Update
- SOL,SOLBE1-Dealings in securities by prescribed officers of Sasol and directors of major subsidiaries of Sasol
- SOL,SOLBE1-Divestment by Sasol Chemicals North America LLC of its 50% equity interest in Gemini HDPE LLC
- SOL,SOLBE1-Results of the general meeting and annual general meeting of Sasol held on Friday, 20 November 2020
- SOL,SOLBE1-Resignation and appointment of a company secretary
- SOL,SOLBE1-Sasol Board commits to a 20% sacrifice on non-executive director Board fees proposed to shareholders at 2020 AGM
- SOL,SOLBE1-Sasol’s low-density polyethylene (LDPE) unit at Lake Charles achieves beneficial operation
- SOL,SOLBE1-Sasol to host an Investor Update on 2 December 2020
- SOL,SOLBE1-Lake Charles Chemicals Complex Status Update, Production & Sales Metrics for the three months ended 30 Sep 2020
- SOL,SOLBE1-Delivery of Circular regarding Divestment of 50% interest in Sasol’s LCCP Base Chemicals Business & Notice of AGM