Human Rights | HUMAN RIGHTS Skip to main content

Human Rights

Due to the nature, location and scale of our activities Sasol has prioritised the following as the most prevalent human rights issues: 

  • Respecting diversity
  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • Safe, secure and healthy work environments
  • Fair and competitive conditions of employment
  • Rights of fenceline communities and indigenous people
  • Human rights in Supply Chain
  • Responsible management of environmental footprint
  • Stakeholder engagement and collaboration


Grievance mechanisms

The Sasol’s  Ethics Office is the custodian of the Group’s anonymous international whistleblowing facility, which is available to all employees and stakeholders, to report any actual or suspected unethical conduct, without fear of adverse consequences. The EthicsLine is available in a number of local languages in the areas where we operate.

A 24 hour toll-free hotline is also in place at various operations sites, for the reporting of nuisance odours and other environmental concerns by employees, communities and neighbouring industries.

Use of these mechanisms are encouraged to report perceived human rights infringements for our further attention.