The Sasol Limited Board of Directors is ultimately accountable for ethical business conduct in Sasol and to oversee ethical behaviour in accordance with the Sasol Code of Conduct.
The Board has mandated the Safety, Social and Ethics Committee (SSEC) of the Board to ensure that Sasol has effective ethics policies, structures and programmes to institutionalise and monitor ethics in the company.
The SSEC oversees, directs (with regards to ethics best practices, implementation programmes etc.) and monitors ethics in Sasol for and on behalf of the Board.
The responsibility for practical direction setting, strategy setting and management of ethics then becomes the responsibility of the Group Executive Committee (GEC).
In order to provide execution capability and capacity to the tasks of setting and achieving ethical objectives, advancing an ethical culture and addressing ethics risks and opportunities, The GEC appointed the Group Ethics Office (GEO), headed by the Chief Ethics Officer, as a functionally independent office that is the custodian of a comprehensive and integrated ethics programme. The purpose of the GEO is to:
- Be the custodian of Sasol’s code of conduct, ethics strategy and ethics programme;
- To address unethical behaviour and enhance ethical leadership and;
- To support integration of ethics into all apsects of business
- provide ethics assurance and governance for Sasol