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Media Releases

Today, Sasol contributed R10 million to Rejuvenation Metsimaholo as part of Sasol’s broader R100 million per year Project Iku

08 Apr, 2013

Sasol, the international integrated energy and chemical company, announced today it will host the Arabic-language environment

08 Apr, 2013

New York (NY) – Sasol today celebrated its 10 year anniversary of its listing on the New York Stock Exc

09 Apr, 2013

A number of Sasol listed and unlisted suppliers and service providers have been contacted via an email which claims that Saso

10 Apr, 2013

The Sasol Rally, taking place from 18 - 20 April in Mpumalanga, promises to be an exhilarating weekend for motoring enthusias

11 Apr, 2013

Sasol has completed a R600 000 community investment programme in the Sabie and surrounding areas, as part of the company’s co

18 Apr, 2013

Sasol, the international integrated energy and chemical company, today announced its support for Enterprise Qatar’s Al Fikra

22 Apr, 2013

The exhilarating Sasol Rally drew to a close this past weekend in Mpumalanga, with the Volkswagen Sasolracing team’s Gugu Zul

22 Apr, 2013

As a large industrial user of water, Sasol has formed strategic partnerships with the Department of Basic Education in the Fr

26 Apr, 2013

The largest bird fair of its kind in southern Africa, the Sasol Bird  Fair is set to take place on the 25th&n

29 Apr, 2013