Product Stewardship | PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP Skip to main content

Product Stewardship

Product Stewardship

Designing Safe Products

Sasol looks to make a net positive contribution to society in their particular applications and intended uses while minimising harm to human health and the environment through sustainable products...

Low Dioxane Ethersulfate

Sasol has responded to global industry demand for low-dioxane versions, as legislation around the concentration of 1,4-dioxane in personal care and home care products gets more stringent worldwide. True to the purpose of…

Methanol Use in Non-Industrial Applications

During the Sasol Chemicals portfolio review of the SHE aspects including associated measures to improve the safety of its products, a potential concern was identified with the use of methanol...

Sasol's ISCC Plus Certifications

International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS supports the circular economy and bioeconomy by offering a certification that promotes environmentally, socially and economically sustainable production. Our German sites...

Product Life Cycle Stages

Our commitment to Product Stewardship is embedded throughout the value chain.

Sasol product life cycles
