Sasol is a global chemicals and energy company. We harness our knowledge and expertise to integrate sophisticated technologies and processes into world-scale operating facilities. We safely and sustainably source, produce and market a range of high-quality products, creating value for stakeholders.
Sasol comprises three distinct market-focused businesses, namely: Chemicals, Energy and Sasol ecoFT. Our more focused portfolio is underpinned by a transition to a lower-carbon future and our 70-year track record demonstrates we have the capabilities and competencies to deliver sustainable value in these three core businesses.
Advancing chemical and energy solutions that contribute to a thriving planet, society and enterprise.
Sasol's investors consist of both equity investors (those invested in the Sasol ordinary shares or the ADRs) and lenders/debt investors (banks and institutional investors lending to Sasol or investing in its issues of debt instruments such as local bonds, offshore bonds, commercial paper issues, project finance, loans and other credit facilities and convertible instruments).
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Johannesburg, South Africa – NERSA has published Sasol Gas’s Amendment Maximum Gas Price (MGP) Application for the period 1 July 2022 up to 30 June 2023 (FY2023) and published its Consultation Document. It has also published Sasol Gas’s MGP application for the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 (FY2024) together with its Consultation Document. This pricing application has followed the cost plus 2023 MGP methodology, which NERSA published in February 2023.
As piped-gas prices are regulated by NERSA, Sasol welcomes the progress in its MGP application process, and is optimistic that the approval of an appropriate maximum gas price for the FY2023 period will recognise the interests of consumers, while enabling the viability of the supply of gas in South Africa. Sasol Gas has continued to charge customers at R68.39/GJ from FY2022, notwithstanding the additional expenditure and cost increases exceeding 40% that Sasol has faced during this period. To date, Sasol has invested over $300 million in capital expenditure since 2021 to maintain gas supply from Mozambique to 2026.
A MGP needs to be fair and enable ongoing investment in new sources of gas supply. During the course of 2022, it became apparent that the MGP would increase dramatically, due to international gas hub prices increasing on the back of post COVID-19 demand, the war in Ukraine and weather conditions affecting gas demand. These factors were projected to increase the MGP, determined according to the international gas benchmark 2020 MGP methodology, to R273,43/GJ for FY2023.
Sasol Gas engaged extensively with NERSA about appropriate pricing in accordance with the then applicable 2020 MGP methodology. These engagements continued throughout 2022 and resulted in NERSA requiring Sasol to bring a formal price application to resolve the matter.
Gas price regulation in terms of the Gas Act is aimed at determining a competitive price for gas and should strike a balance between the interests of gas suppliers and consumers, while fostering the viability of the supply in South Africa and investment in new sources of supply. Sasol’s investments over the past 20 years have offered consumers an alternative energy supply, thereby enhancing competition, consumer choice and, importantly, fostering economic activity and investment in the South Africa economy.
Therefore, Sasol does not agree with the preliminary conclusion by NERSA that the maximum price of R120/GJ for FY23 applied for by Sasol is excessive. Sasol maintains that apart from operational cost increases, NERSA also has to take into account the risk associated with extensive investments which Sasol is currently making to extend supply and the incentives to develop new resources. Furthermore, the alternative value for Sasol is that it has the ability to convert gas into other value-added products in its South African facilities, as an alternative to selling this gas to third party customers.
Sasol will continue its engagement in the commentary phase of the FY23 price application and trusts that NERSA will duly fulfil its mandate to determine an appropriate, reasonable and competitive gas price for FY23 in the interests of consumers and gas supply in South Africa.
Sasol remains committed to complying with all applicable regulations and cooperating with relevant authorities throughout this process.