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Advanced Materials


Advanced Materials manufactures specialty aluminas, carbon and cobalt catalyst. With more than 400 tailor-made specifications, our aluminas are used in a broad range of applications such as high-performance abrasives, performance additives, lighting, bioceramic materials for medical prosthetics, and as catalyst carriers for the automotive, refining and chemical industries.

Our carbon-based products are used in a wide range of applications from recarburizer for steel to specialty graphite applications.

Advanced Materials comprises three sub-divisions:


Our unique high purity, ultra-high purity alumina and other advanced alumina-based products are used in a broad range of applications including high-performance abrasives, performance additives, lighting, bioceramic materials for medical prosthetics, paper coatings and as catalyst carriers for the automotive, refining and chemical industries. We currently offer more than 400 tailor-made specifications of alumina and alumina-based products.


  • Battery Materials
  • Catalyst Supports
  • Abrasives and Polishing
  • Polymer Additives

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Our cobalt Fischer-Tropsch (FT) catalysts are used in gas-to-liquids facilities that employ Sasol’s proprietary FT technology as well as other third-party FT technologies. They are based on a novel alumina support supplied by our Alumina sub-division. We are currently working to develop next-generation catalyst technology for future sustainable fuels production via power-to-liquid applications.



Our carbon-based products are used as raw material for a wide range of applications, including graphitised cathode blocks for aluminium production; specialty graphite used in battery anodes or to produce artefacts; recarburiser for the production of steel; and graphite electrodes also used in the steel industry.

