Production And Sales Metrics For The Six Months Ended 31 December 2024

Sasol Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1979/003231/06)
Sasol Ordinary Share codes: JSE: SOL NYSE: SSL
Sasol Ordinary ISIN codes: ZAE000006896 US8038663006
Sasol BEE Ordinary Share code: JSE: SOLBE1
Sasol BEE Ordinary ISIN code: ZAE000151817
(Sasol, the Company, Equity issuer)

Sasol Financing Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1998/019838/06)
Company code: SFIE
LEI: 378900A5BC68CC18C276
(Sasol Financing, Debt issuer)


Sasol has published its production and sales performance metrics for the six months ended
31 December 2024 on the Company´s website at, under the Investor Centre

Sasol took a Final Investment Decision (FID) in December 2024 for a destoning solution to
enhance the coal quality supplied to Secunda Operations (SO), with beneficial operation of
the solution expected in H1 FY26 which is earlier than the previous communicated date.

The civil unrest in Mozambique affected the Central Processing Facility (CPF), leading to
reduced production rates in December 2024. The situation at the CPF has improved and the
unit is now operating at full capacity, albeit with heightened near-term risk still prevalent.

On 4 January 2025, a fire occurred at the Natref refinery that caused damage to supporting
piping and infrastructure around the Crude Distillation Unit. Our team responded swiftly to
contain the fire, with no reported injuries. Repairs are anticipated to be completed before the
end of February 2025 and plans are being implemented, including product purchases to
address supply shortfalls, where possible.

At SO we have experienced operational challenges, largely related to ongoing coal quality
complications and the consequent impact on gasifier and equipment availability. The
implementation of destoning and ongoing equipment reliability improvement initiatives are
expected to improve production levels going forward.

International Chemicals revenue improved compared to H1 FY24, though the overall
business environment remains challenging. Sales volumes in the quarter continued to be
negatively impacted by the East Cracker outage in the US. However, the unit started up
successfully in November 2024. Overall profitability has improved due to proactive
management initiatives.

Market guidance for both Mining and Gas remains unchanged, with the annual volume
outlook for SO and Natref revised downward due to the aforementioned challenges.
Consequently, we expect sales volumes for Fuels and Chemicals Africa to be largely in line
with FY24. Despite the operational challenges faced during the quarter, we remain
committed to executing key self-help initiatives aimed at improving performance and
mitigating the challenges we face.

ORYX production volume guidance was revised upwards.

Sales volume guidance for International Chemicals has been adjusted downward to 4 - 8%
lower than FY24, driven by weaker-than-expected demand and unplanned operational
outages. However, the financial impact has been mitigated through effective cost
management initiatives, and improved margins compared to the prior period.

23 January 2025

Equity Sponsor
Merrill Lynch South Africa Proprietary Limited t/a BofA Securities

Debt Sponsor
Absa Corporate and Investment Bank, a division of Absa Bank Limited

Date: 23-01-2025 07:05:00
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The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of
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Production And Sales Metrics For The Six Months Ended 31 December 2024

Sasol Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1979/003231/06)
Sasol Ordinary Share codes: JSE: SOL NYSE: SSL
Sasol Ordinary ISIN codes: ZAE000006896 US8038663006
Sasol BEE Ordinary Share code: JSE: SOLBE1
Sasol BEE Ordinary ISIN code: ZAE000151817
(Sasol, the Company, Equity issuer)

Sasol Financing Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1998/019838/06)
Company code: SFIE
LEI: 378900A5BC68CC18C276
(Sasol Financing, Debt issuer)


Sasol has published its production and sales performance metrics for the six months ended
31 December 2024 on the Company´s website at, under the Investor Centre

Sasol took a Final Investment Decision (FID) in December 2024 for a destoning solution to
enhance the coal quality supplied to Secunda Operations (SO), with beneficial operation of
the solution expected in H1 FY26 which is earlier than the previous communicated date.

The civil unrest in Mozambique affected the Central Processing Facility (CPF), leading to
reduced production rates in December 2024. The situation at the CPF has improved and the
unit is now operating at full capacity, albeit with heightened near-term risk still prevalent.

On 4 January 2025, a fire occurred at the Natref refinery that caused damage to supporting
piping and infrastructure around the Crude Distillation Unit. Our team responded swiftly to
contain the fire, with no reported injuries. Repairs are anticipated to be completed before the
end of February 2025 and plans are being implemented, including product purchases to
address supply shortfalls, where possible.

At SO we have experienced operational challenges, largely related to ongoing coal quality
complications and the consequent impact on gasifier and equipment availability. The
implementation of destoning and ongoing equipment reliability improvement initiatives are
expected to improve production levels going forward.

International Chemicals revenue improved compared to H1 FY24, though the overall
business environment remains challenging. Sales volumes in the quarter continued to be
negatively impacted by the East Cracker outage in the US. However, the unit started up
successfully in November 2024. Overall profitability has improved due to proactive
management initiatives.

Market guidance for both Mining and Gas remains unchanged, with the annual volume
outlook for SO and Natref revised downward due to the aforementioned challenges.
Consequently, we expect sales volumes for Fuels and Chemicals Africa to be largely in line
with FY24. Despite the operational challenges faced during the quarter, we remain
committed to executing key self-help initiatives aimed at improving performance and
mitigating the challenges we face.

ORYX production volume guidance was revised upwards.

Sales volume guidance for International Chemicals has been adjusted downward to 4 - 8%
lower than FY24, driven by weaker-than-expected demand and unplanned operational
outages. However, the financial impact has been mitigated through effective cost
management initiatives, and improved margins compared to the prior period.

23 January 2025

Equity Sponsor
Merrill Lynch South Africa Proprietary Limited t/a BofA Securities

Debt Sponsor
Absa Corporate and Investment Bank, a division of Absa Bank Limited

Date: 23-01-2025 07:05:00
Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE').
The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of
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