Results of Annual General Meeting of Sasol held on Friday, 2 December 2022

Sasol Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1979/003231/06)
Sasol Ordinary Share code: JSE: SOL NYSE: SSL
Sasol Ordinary ISIN codes: ZAE000006896 US8038663006
Sasol BEE Ordinary Share code: JSE: SOLBE1
Sasol BEE Ordinary ISIN code: ZAE000151817
(Sasol or the Company)


Sasol shareholders are hereby advised of the results of the business conducted at Sasol’s annual
general meeting held on Friday, 2 December 2022.
All the resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of voting rights exercised. The results are
as follows:

1. The audited annual financial statements of the Company and the Group, including the reports
of the directors, external auditors, the Audit Committee and the Safety, Social and Ethics
Committee for the financial year ended 30 June 2022, were presented.

2. Non-binding advisory resolution number 1: To endorse, on a non-binding advisory basis, the
Company’s remuneration policy

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 555 832 69,70% 92,92% 7,08% 0,18%

3. Non-binding advisory resolution number 2: To endorse, on a non-binding advisory basis, the
implementation report of the Company’s remuneration policy

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 550 669 69,70% 94,89% 5,11% 0,18%

4. Non-binding advisory resolution number 3: To endorse, on a non-binding advisory basis, the
Company’s climate change management approach, including its climate change ambition,
strategy and progress towards achieving the 2030 target and 2050 net zero ambition

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

437 612 040 68,31% 94,05% 5,95% 1,57%
5. Ordinary resolution number 1- 1: To re-elect Ms K C Harper as a director of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 543 319 69,70% 99,93% 0,07% 0,18%

6. Ordinary resolution number 1- 2: To re-elect Mr V D Kahla as a director of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 535 107 69,70% 99,91% 0,09% 0,18%

7. Ordinary resolution number 1- 3: To re-elect Ms G M B Kennealy as a director of the

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 536 490 69,70% 99,09% 0,91% 0,18%

8. Ordinary resolution number 1- 4: To re-elect Mr S A Nkosi as a director of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 521 632 69,70% 99,14% 0,86% 0,18%

9. Ordinary resolution number 2: To elect Mr H A Rossouw as director of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 607 507 69,71% 97,63% 2,37% 0,17%

10. Ordinary resolution number 3: Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc as the
independent auditor of the Company and the Group for the financial year ending 30 June
2023, to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 619 482 69,71% 99,67% 0,33% 0,17%

11. Ordinary resolution number 4- 1: To elect Ms K C Harper as member of the Audit Committee
of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 537 912 69,70% 98,56% 1,44% 0,18%
12. Ordinary resolution number 4- 2: To elect Ms G M B Kennealy as member of the Audit
Committee of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 529 098 69,70% 98,40% 1,60% 0,18%

13. Ordinary resolution number 4- 3: To elect Ms N N A Matyumza as member of the Audit
Committee of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 522 530 69,70% 97,23% 2,77% 0,18%

14. Ordinary resolution number 4- 4: To elect Mr S Subramoney as member of the Audit
Committee of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 515 405 69,70% 98,27% 1,73% 0,19%

15. Ordinary resolution number 4- 5: To elect Mr S Westwell as member of the Audit Committee
of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 518 728 69,70% 96,14% 3,86% 0,18%

16. Ordinary resolution number 5: To place the authorised but unissued shares in the capital of
the Company under the control and authority of directors of the Company and to authorise the
directors to allot and issue such shares at such times as the directors may from time to time
and in their discretion deem fit

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 548 141 69,70% 79,49% 20,51% 0,18%

17. Special resolution number 1: To authorise the Board to approve that financial assistance may
be granted by the Company in terms of sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 553 400 69,70% 97,58% 2,42% 0,18%
18. Special resolution number 2: To authorise the Board to approve the general repurchase by the
Company or by any of its subsidiaries, of any of the Company’s ordinary shares and/or Sasol
BEE Ordinary Shares

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 499 545 69,69% 77,80% 22,20% 0,19%

19. Special resolution number 3: To authorise the Board to approve the purchase by the
Company (as part of a general repurchase in accordance with special resolution number 2), of
any of the Company’s ordinary shares and/or Sasol BEE Ordinary Shares from a director
and/or a prescribed officer of the Company, and/or persons related to a director or prescribed
officer of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 500 323 69,69% 99,36% 0,64% 0,19%

20. Special resolution number 4: To approve the adoption of the Sasol Long-Term Incentive Plan
2022 for the benefit of employees of the Sasol Group

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 589 457 69,71% 81,25% 18,75% 0,17%

21. Special resolution number 5: To authorise the Board to issue up to 32 000 000 ordinary
shares pursuant to the rules of the Sasol Long-Term Incentive Plan 2022

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 551 758 69,70% 82,64% 17,36% 0,18%

22. Special resolution number 6: To amend clause 9.1.4 of the Company’s Memorandum of

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 548 423 69,70% 99,80% 0,20% 0,18%

23. Special resolution number 7: To amend the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation to
remove obsolete references

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 571 741 69,70% 99,98% 0,02% 0,18%
24. Special resolution number 8: To authorise the directors to issue all or any of the Ordinary
Shares and/or any options/ convertible securities that are convertible into Ordinary Shares,
which they shall have been authorised to allot and issue in terms of ordinary resolution
number 5

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 594 388 69,71% 79,23% 20,77% 0,17%

* Based on the total number of Sasol Ordinary Shares and Sasol BEE Ordinary Shares in issue, being 640 667 612, as at
Friday, 25 November 2022, being the Record Date of the annual general meeting.
** Based on the total number of shares that voted for or against a resolution at the annual general meeting.

5 December 2022

Sponsor: Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) Limited t/a BofA Securities

Date: 05-12-2022 07:05:00
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Results of Annual General Meeting of Sasol held on Friday, 2 December 2022

Sasol Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1979/003231/06)
Sasol Ordinary Share code: JSE: SOL NYSE: SSL
Sasol Ordinary ISIN codes: ZAE000006896 US8038663006
Sasol BEE Ordinary Share code: JSE: SOLBE1
Sasol BEE Ordinary ISIN code: ZAE000151817
(Sasol or the Company)


Sasol shareholders are hereby advised of the results of the business conducted at Sasol’s annual
general meeting held on Friday, 2 December 2022.
All the resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of voting rights exercised. The results are
as follows:

1. The audited annual financial statements of the Company and the Group, including the reports
of the directors, external auditors, the Audit Committee and the Safety, Social and Ethics
Committee for the financial year ended 30 June 2022, were presented.

2. Non-binding advisory resolution number 1: To endorse, on a non-binding advisory basis, the
Company’s remuneration policy

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 555 832 69,70% 92,92% 7,08% 0,18%

3. Non-binding advisory resolution number 2: To endorse, on a non-binding advisory basis, the
implementation report of the Company’s remuneration policy

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 550 669 69,70% 94,89% 5,11% 0,18%

4. Non-binding advisory resolution number 3: To endorse, on a non-binding advisory basis, the
Company’s climate change management approach, including its climate change ambition,
strategy and progress towards achieving the 2030 target and 2050 net zero ambition

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

437 612 040 68,31% 94,05% 5,95% 1,57%
5. Ordinary resolution number 1- 1: To re-elect Ms K C Harper as a director of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 543 319 69,70% 99,93% 0,07% 0,18%

6. Ordinary resolution number 1- 2: To re-elect Mr V D Kahla as a director of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 535 107 69,70% 99,91% 0,09% 0,18%

7. Ordinary resolution number 1- 3: To re-elect Ms G M B Kennealy as a director of the

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 536 490 69,70% 99,09% 0,91% 0,18%

8. Ordinary resolution number 1- 4: To re-elect Mr S A Nkosi as a director of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 521 632 69,70% 99,14% 0,86% 0,18%

9. Ordinary resolution number 2: To elect Mr H A Rossouw as director of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 607 507 69,71% 97,63% 2,37% 0,17%

10. Ordinary resolution number 3: Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc as the
independent auditor of the Company and the Group for the financial year ending 30 June
2023, to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 619 482 69,71% 99,67% 0,33% 0,17%

11. Ordinary resolution number 4- 1: To elect Ms K C Harper as member of the Audit Committee
of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 537 912 69,70% 98,56% 1,44% 0,18%
12. Ordinary resolution number 4- 2: To elect Ms G M B Kennealy as member of the Audit
Committee of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 529 098 69,70% 98,40% 1,60% 0,18%

13. Ordinary resolution number 4- 3: To elect Ms N N A Matyumza as member of the Audit
Committee of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 522 530 69,70% 97,23% 2,77% 0,18%

14. Ordinary resolution number 4- 4: To elect Mr S Subramoney as member of the Audit
Committee of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 515 405 69,70% 98,27% 1,73% 0,19%

15. Ordinary resolution number 4- 5: To elect Mr S Westwell as member of the Audit Committee
of the Company to hold office until the end of the next AGM

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 518 728 69,70% 96,14% 3,86% 0,18%

16. Ordinary resolution number 5: To place the authorised but unissued shares in the capital of
the Company under the control and authority of directors of the Company and to authorise the
directors to allot and issue such shares at such times as the directors may from time to time
and in their discretion deem fit

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 548 141 69,70% 79,49% 20,51% 0,18%

17. Special resolution number 1: To authorise the Board to approve that financial assistance may
be granted by the Company in terms of sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 553 400 69,70% 97,58% 2,42% 0,18%
18. Special resolution number 2: To authorise the Board to approve the general repurchase by the
Company or by any of its subsidiaries, of any of the Company’s ordinary shares and/or Sasol
BEE Ordinary Shares

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 499 545 69,69% 77,80% 22,20% 0,19%

19. Special resolution number 3: To authorise the Board to approve the purchase by the
Company (as part of a general repurchase in accordance with special resolution number 2), of
any of the Company’s ordinary shares and/or Sasol BEE Ordinary Shares from a director
and/or a prescribed officer of the Company, and/or persons related to a director or prescribed
officer of the Company

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 500 323 69,69% 99,36% 0,64% 0,19%

20. Special resolution number 4: To approve the adoption of the Sasol Long-Term Incentive Plan
2022 for the benefit of employees of the Sasol Group

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 589 457 69,71% 81,25% 18,75% 0,17%

21. Special resolution number 5: To authorise the Board to issue up to 32 000 000 ordinary
shares pursuant to the rules of the Sasol Long-Term Incentive Plan 2022

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 551 758 69,70% 82,64% 17,36% 0,18%

22. Special resolution number 6: To amend clause 9.1.4 of the Company’s Memorandum of

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 548 423 69,70% 99,80% 0,20% 0,18%

23. Special resolution number 7: To amend the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation to
remove obsolete references

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 571 741 69,70% 99,98% 0,02% 0,18%
24. Special resolution number 8: To authorise the directors to issue all or any of the Ordinary
Shares and/or any options/ convertible securities that are convertible into Ordinary Shares,
which they shall have been authorised to allot and issue in terms of ordinary resolution
number 5

Total number of Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
shares voted shares voted* for** against** abstained*

446 594 388 69,71% 79,23% 20,77% 0,17%

* Based on the total number of Sasol Ordinary Shares and Sasol BEE Ordinary Shares in issue, being 640 667 612, as at
Friday, 25 November 2022, being the Record Date of the annual general meeting.
** Based on the total number of shares that voted for or against a resolution at the annual general meeting.

5 December 2022

Sponsor: Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) Limited t/a BofA Securities

Date: 05-12-2022 07:05:00
Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE').
The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of
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