Stock exchange new service
- SOL,SOLBE1-Changes in Directorate
- SOL,SOLBE1-Reviewed Interim Financial Results for the Six Months ended 31 December 2017
- SOL,SOLBE1-Announcement regarding date from which SOLBE1 election right may be exercised
- SOL,SOLBE1-Sasol Announcement regarding an Election Right being Granted to Solbe1 Shareholders and the Solbe1 Bonus Award
- SOL,SOLBE1-Trading statement for the six months ended 31 December 2017
- SOL,SOLBE1-Disclosure of Beneficial Interests in Securities
- SOL,SOLBE1-Sasol appoints independent non-executive director
- SOL,SOLBE1-Sasol to host two capital markets days
- SOL,SOLBE1-Sasol signs US$3,9 billion five-year Revolving Credit Facility
- SOL,SOLBE1-Results of the Annual General Meeting of Sasol held on 17 November 2017