Das war der Sasol Brunsbüttel Family- & Friends-Day 2023

Brunsbüttel, 07. Juli 2023 – Zahlreiche begeisterte Gesichter waren am Sonnabend, 1. Juli, bei Sasol im Brunsbütteler Werk zu sehen. Mehr als 1.300 Besucherinnen und Besucher folgten der Einladung zum Tag der offenen Tür. Zu den Gästen gehörten neben Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, die ihren Familien stolz den Arbeitsplatz zeigten, auch Ehemalige, Nachbarn und Brunsbüttels Bürgermeister Martin Schmedtje.

Milano Pride 2023

Il 24 Giugno 2023 a Milano si è tenuto l’evento dedicato all’orgoglio LGBTQAI+, alla parità dei diritti di genere e all’amore in ogni forma. Dopo gli incontri, le mostre, gli spettacoli e le iniziative diffuse per tutta la città durante il Pride Month 2023, va in scena la parata arcobaleno, la grande celebrazione di libertà, aperta a tutti, che parla di inclusività, diritti, democrazia e autodeterminazione.

Strategic partnership

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Our investments will be driven by strategic alignment, with strong financial objectives. Sasol Ventures believe in a model of collaborative investment and building relationships to provide the best...

Investment Ethos

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Sasol Ventures invests in technologies that help to eliminate the carbon footprint of chemical and energy products, both in our current operations and in new value chains, including...

About Sasol Ventures

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As Sasol transitions to a sustainable, fossil-free future;  innovative technologies will support the transformation of our current value chains and the creation of new offerings...