Africa’s biggest solar challenge ready to take on five provinces across South Africa
The 2022 Sasol Solar Challenge is back on the South African roads again and will be travelling from Johannesburg down to the finish line in Cape Town from 9 to 16 September.
Communities along the 2022 route including science and technology enthusiasts and scholars, can look forward to this electrifying endurance challenge, which is bringing nine solar car teams from South Africa, Belgium and The Netherlands.
Sasol and ITOCHU announcing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on green hydrogen and ammonia
Johannesburg, South Africa – Sasol and ITOCHU Corporation have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly study and develop the market and supply chain for green ammonia with a focus on its use as bunkering fuel and for power generation. The parties will also evaluate ITOCHU’s potential involvement and participation in Sasol’s green ammonia export-orientated project(s), including product offtake as well as financial support from Japan for studies and grants relating to green ammonia projects in South Africa.
Sasol hands over 285 hectares of agricultural land to Government
Secunda, Mpumalanga – Sasol has handed over 285 hectares of agricultural land to the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) to support the further development of emerging farmers. Minister Thoko Didiza officiated the handover this morning in Secunda, Mpumalanga, before handing the land over to the provincial arm of the Department.
Sasol addresses food security and unemployment in its communities
Secunda, Mpumalanga – Sasol has launched Bridge to Work (BtW), a portfolio of initiatives aimed at improving food security and reducing unemployment in its communities across the country. This is by developing emerging farmers and improving access to economic opportunities for the youth, women, and adults out of work by providing training in critical skills such as motor mechanics, welding, technology and digital business management skills.
Learning today - Leading tomorrow – Sasol bursaries 2023
Johannesburg, South Africa – Applications are currently open for Sasol’s all-inclusive bursaries for the 2023 academic year.
The employer of choice in the chemical and energy sector (as voted for by graduates in the SAGEA employer of choice survey), Sasol, is inviting high-performing mathematics and science learners/students to apply for an all-inclusive bursary to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) degrees at approved South African public universities.
Durban visual artist Mondli Mbhele wins 2022 Sasol New Signatures
Pretoria, South Africa - Full-time artist Mondli Mbhele (28) from Durban, KwaZulu-Natal has been announced as the winner of the 2022 Sasol New Signatures Art Competition. Mbhele walks away with a cash prize of R100 000 and an opportunity to have a solo exhibition at the Pretoria Art Museum in 2023.
Mbhele won the coveted title for his work titled Iphasi nesiphesheli, which is part of a bigger series titled Umlando uyaziphinda. This is an isiZulu phrase, meaning “history repeats itself”.
Sasol posts strong financial results supported by macroeconomic environment
Johannesburg, South Africa – Sasol delivered a strong set of financial results against the backdrop of increased volatility resulting from ongoing geopolitical tensions, extended COVID-19 lockdowns and global supply chain disruptions. We benefitted from higher energy and chemicals prices, as well as strong cost and capital discipline through the delivery of our Sasol 2.0 transformation programme. This was offset by lower volume performance mainly due to the operational challenges experienced in the first half of the financial year.
Sasol Chemicals German facility to double its use of green steam from first of its kind biomass cogeneration facility
Steam created from agricultural waste will help decarbonize chemical production at Brunsbüttel plant
BRUNSBÜTTEL, Germany, August 16, 2022 – Sasol Chemicals, a business unit of Sasol Ltd. (JSE: SOL; NYSE: SSL), plans to double its use of green steam from a first of its kind biomass cogeneration facility adjacent to its Brunsbüttel, Germany facility.
Get inspired by amazing careers of the future at Sasol Techno X
Get inspired by amazing careers of the future at Sasol Techno X 2022, South Africa’s leading science and technology expo
Johannesburg, South Africa – Sasol Techno X, South Africa’s premier exhibition showcases the amazing possibilities of careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, and Innovation (STEAMI) to South Africa’s next generation of leaders and innovators. Hosted from 12 to 16 September, this is the 20 th anniversary of a groundbreaking annual event that attracts more than 20,000 attendees each year.